On My Mind

Thoughts on Writing and Life from Author Annette Smith

Sunday, September 17, 2006

But Did Yours Bark?

We had Whataburger for lunch today. Randy and I'd stopped there on our way home from church for two reasons. #1. Whataburger is quick and since I was on my way to a friend's afternoon booksigning, we needed quick. #2. Whataburger is Randy's favorite fast food joint in the world.

My sly husband has so perfected the nonchalant, "how does Whataburger sound?" that more times than not, I find myself standing at the counter, ordering up a number four before I even realize we've stopped at the place.

Today, while filling his diet Coke cup, Randy struck up a conversation with a harried young mom trying to corral her rowdy children.

"These kids are driving me crazy!" the mother of three confided.

"Don't worry," Randy said, "they grow up fast."

"Not fast enough!" she said.

"Yes, they do. Really," Randy said. "It's hard when they're little. But it gets better. Trust me, all this is over before you know it. You'll forget about all the bad stuff."

"So tell me," said the mom, "did yours ever bark in public?"

"Well, no," Randy, Mr. Child Expert, suddenly at loss for words. "I guess they never did that. I suppose we had different problems."


We did.

And yes. It was over really, really fast.


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